Community acupuncture is acupuncture done in a group setting in an open space, instead of a private room. People relax in comfortable reclining chairs while receiving treatment.
Acupuncture is a wonderfully simple, yet powerful medicine that we want to make available to as many people as we can.
The effects of acupuncture are often cumulative. Studies show that regarding acupuncture, frequent and regular treatments are the best way to improve your health.
The costs of doing acupuncture in a private setting often make it challenging or impossible for many people to receive the number of treatments they need to get and stay well.
Our Community Acupuncture strives to make acupuncture more accessible to people without cost being a limiting factor, and without compromising on the quality of care.
What We Can Treat
We can treat the same conditions that would be treated in a private practice, conditions such as but not limited to
We really like what Liberation Acupuncture says about community acupuncture
- Because acupuncture does not have to be expensive in order to be effective
- Because military budgets balloon while health care is cut
- Because nothing breaks through the isolation of pain, illness and depression like healing in a room with other humans
- Because our favorite way to spread the word about how well acupuncture works is to make it available to people
- Because we are pleased to challenge the notion of value being attached to price
- Because there aren’t enough spaces where strangers switch off cell phones and slumber side by side
- Because for thousands of years acupuncture has been practiced in groups
- Because returning acupuncture to its roots makes us the happiest of humble radicals
- Because the vast majority of us love our work so much we couldn’t imagine doing anything else
We are a part of the community acupuncture movement.
To learn more about Liberation Acupuncture, check out this link:
To learn more about and/or join the community acupuncture movement, or to become a member of the international co-operative People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture, check out this link: